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It is my great privilege to serve on DeKalb's State Court, and I look forward to serving DeKalb County for years to come. Your donation in any amount will help. Thank you for your support!
                                                               ~Charlie Bailey

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Financial contributions are not the only way to support Judge Bailey. To learn more about how you can help, use the icon below to email the Committee to Keep Judge Bailey.

Donate By Check

Mail your check payable to “Keep Judge Bailey” to P.O. Box 2508 Decatur, GA 30031

Include your name, address, occupation, and employer name with your contribution.

Click Here to Donate Now

Campaign contributions are not tax deductible and Georgia law prohibits anonymous donations. You must provide your name, address, occupation, and employer’s name with your contribution. All contributions in excess of $100 (individually or in the aggregate from a single source) must be reported in compliance with Georgia law.
